Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bits and Pieces: Love

"We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren," (I John 4:16).

* Written to encourage believers in the assurance of salvation, the book of I John is replete with the phrase, 'we know.' The focus here is on God's love for us, the very essence of His nature, which promotes confidence of our conversion. As we accept His love, and abide in the security of His acceptance, we are then free to love others.

* However paradoxical it may seem, it is not humility for us to refuse to accept and rejoice in God's love. Indeed, our legitimate self-esteem is best developed when based on our acceptance in the Beloved. Regardless of how unworthy we may feel, we are to claim and count on our Lord's promised love.

* One of Satan's favorite tools for producing guilt and discouragement in the believer's life is questioning our Lord's love and acceptance. He has even persuaded some that genuine humility requires refusal to rejoice in our Lord's love. No, that's not humility. That's unbelief. Instead, we are to abide, rejoice, and glory in the unconditional love of our sovereign Savior!

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