Thursday, August 2, 2012

I John 2:17a

"The world is passing away, and also its lusts;"

Despite all its posturing and protests, all its attempts to mask the effects of decay and demise, there is little use in denying that the world system is, indeed, passing away. The entire medical field, as well as health and cosmetic industries, subsist on the ongoing efforts of aging people to delay the onset of death for as long as humanly possible.
This is understandable for those for whom this world is all there is... whose lives are bound up in this world system and its priorities (lusts).
But how saddened must be the heart of the Father when He sees His own children live only for this world and its values. Hear His poignant appeal: "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance. Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen, that you may live,"
(Isaiah 55:2,3a).
A key means to keeping this world and its lusts in perspective is to continually listen to our Lord. The more mindful we are to His revealed will through His Word, to the inner promptings of His Holy Spirit, and with sensitivity to circumstances as He uses them, the clearer we will see His movement through our days. Sensing His activity boosts our confidence in His promises, increases our appetite for His Word, and transforms prayer into vital two-way conversations.

"Father, You know how we grow far too comfortable here, lapsing into becoming friends with the world system. Remind us again that this is not our home... that we are only passing through... that we are aliens and strangers on this sin-cursed earth, bound for that place the Lord Jesus has gone ahead to prepare for us..
Sensitize our hearing, Father, and deepen our desire to obey You when Your Spirit speaks. Stiffen our resolve to listen, that we may live. Forgive our selective hearing. Stretch our willingness to act upon that which You quietly, insistently require in prayer. Grant discernment to see where sin has taken root and unbelief is the fruit. Deal with it as You see fit, Father.
In the Lord Jesus' Name, Amen."

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