Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bits & Pieces: Prayer Promises

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you," (John 15:7).

* The prime conditions to be met in this prayer promise are to abide in the Lord Jesus, and have His words abide in us. To abide is to enjoy unbroken fellowship, characterized by unhindered communion. Since sin defiles our conscience and breaks our fellowship with the Savior, keeping current with confession & repentance becomes imperative to abiding.

* We like to focus on the 'asking whatever we wish' part of this verse, rather than paying the price of abiding in the Lord Jesus, as well as having His words abide in us. Only as He is our first Love are we willing to gain and maintain continuous communion with Him. Yet, when we persevere in disciplined devotion to the Master, His desires become ours, and we see prayers answered continually.

* The fruit of answered prayer stems from the roots of resting in the Lord, and His words sinking deeply into the soil of our lives. Abiding is not laziness. Rather, it is alertly resting in the Lord's sovereign control. As we do, our senses become trained to pray as He desires, and His will is accomplished.

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