Friday, August 22, 2008


Recently I came across an outline related to repentance that proved helpful.
Repentance: A Three-Fold Process of Change
1. Our MIND Changes
Agreeing with God about the truth. As long as we offer excuses, we
have not yet repented. We must come to the point of echoing David's
cry in Psalm 51:3,4.

2. Our HEART Changes
We must have a broken heart before the Father, grieving over what
our sin has done to Him. David expressed this truth in Psalm 51:17.

3. Our WILL & ACTIONS Change
Repentance requires a turning away from sin, a change of lifestyle,
the ridding of any idol from the heart, tearing down any stronghold,
and removing ourselves from tempting situations.
When we begin to live life as God intends, we have repented.
Philippians 2:13.


Mrs. Sewell said...

Great Post Doc!

God Bless
Crystal <><

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Made me think of Abraham when he was corrected by the pagan Abimelech for lying about Sarah. Then Abe made excuses for why he lied.