Friday, October 10, 2008

Isaiah 64:4

"For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him."

Implied within the commands, exhortations, and promises found throughout the Word to wait upon the Lord is the truth that His ways & thoughts are not like our ways & thoughts (Isaiah 55:8,9). This includes His clock, as well.

As everything about our God is perfect, so is His timing. And when we ask for His will to be done, we are praying for His schedule as well as His direction! For, the "when" of His will is every bit as needed as the "where" and "what." How, then, do we keep our impatience in check when His answer is "wait?"
Several thoughts come to mind:

*Read & re-read biblical accounts of times when God acted in behalf of waiting saints. Elijah praying down fire from heaven is only one among many Old Testament instances, while the church praying fervently for Peter's release in Acts 12:5 ff. is an excellent New Testament account.

*Reflect upon the times the Lord has shown Himself strong on your behalf previously. This self-encouragement is enhanced by keeping a spiritual diary, recording ways He has faithfully kept His word, without fail.

*Rehearse the truth, aloud if necessary. Praying the Word back to the Father, pointedly emphasizing the promises He has made related to waiting, fixes our focus where it belongs: on Him, rather than circumstances.

You are the one and only true and living God, Father. There is no God but You. All else and others are created beings, powerful but finite, many mightier than man, yet immeasurably inferior to You their Creator. You, uniquely in Your triune Godhead, are preeminent in the universe, absolutely sovereign, utterly unlimited in Your wisdom and understanding. Acknowledging Your omniscience, increase our willingness to wait upon You, learning how to wait upon You during those times when it pleases You to teach us afresh Your transcendent timing.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus we pray,

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