Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Pray without ceasing," (I Thessalonians 5:17).

Nothing is simpler yet more profound than prayer.  Through it we acknowledge our abject dependence upon His infinite faithfulness.  Through it we agree that He is good, and does good.  Through it His blessed Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His.  

At its core is the sovereignty of God.  The very process of approaching His throne of grace says, "You have established Your throne in the heavens, and Your sovereignty rules over all."  Our kneeling heart affirms, "You alone are God...there is no other... I am but dust." "All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven And among the inhabitants of earth; And no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, 'What have You done?' (Daniel 4:35).  

 To bypass this truth is to invite dismay, disappointment and disillusionment.  So many begin well, with great enthusiasm, putting their trust in promises made by a god of their own imagination rather than the sovereign God of Scripture.  Such misplaced faith seems to give the lie to the Bible's prayer promises, as well as an inroad for the enemy of our soul: "See?  He doesn't keep His've asked and not've sought and not found, you've knocked and it has not opened to you..."  Thus he impugns God's character, casts doubt upon His Word, and sows seed of bitterness in our soul.  

How are we to respond?  Pray.  Regardless.  No matter the attack, no matter the heavenly silence, no matter what.  

"Father, sink deeply into my heart afresh the imperative to pray.  For, I grieve Your heart in no greater way than to leave off praying, to cease bringing my heart to You, to refuse to listen for Your voice to my spirit... 
Thank You for the unspeakable grace gift of Your Word, wherein You reveal Yourself, Your will, Your ways.  Without Your revelation, I would be left with speculation... having to guess who You are, what You desire from me, and how I can be with You in heaven, forever.  
In times of attack, Father, when the enemy who hates my soul oppresses my spirit, seeking to cease my praying, steal the joy You've given, lessen my trust in You... remind me of the armor I'm to wear, steel my resolve to faith You regardless, and be usable to Your glory as a warrior in prayer.
For the glory of Your Son, my Savior, I pray,


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