Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Isaiah 55:2

"Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And delight yourself in abundance."

What a question our Lord poses to His people! Is it not a haunting thing that He asks it not to a money-squandering world, but to the people who are called by His own Name (!)? We who should know better, we whose priorities should reflect His change upon our hearts-- yet how often we still spend for that which may bring happiness, but does not satisfy.
Since money is more a matter of emotion than finance (Matt. 6:21), often we don't want to hear what the Father would say about something we are wanting to buy. In such a state, it is imperative that we ask Him for the grace to "play it either way," willing to do with or without it. He will honor such a posture. He delights to do so, giving us a testimony to His faithful provision-- more than we expected.

To Your Name, and Yours alone, Father, be the praise, honor, and glory for times without number that You have fulfilled Your promises perfectly! Not one need of any of Your children has ever failed to be met, according to the riches of Your grace in Christ Jesus. Be pleased to deepen our desire to listen for Your still, small voice when the impatience of the flesh is the strongest. May the things we buy reflect well on You who sent Your Son to purchase us at such great cost at the cross!
In the Lord Jesus' Name,